Infografika o nevarnostih elektromagnetnih sevanjih


1999 (16 od skupno 1352 raziskav)
"These results can be analysed in terms of the charge density present. This analysis suggests that typically 2000 excess negative charges per cm3 are required to match the measured DC fields. Such space charge will result in unipolar aerosol charging in excess of the normal bipolar steady state charge distribution of pollutant aerosols. This may lead to increased lung deposition on inhalation."
"The observations demonstrate a mode of increased exposure to pollutant aerosols under high voltage power lines by increased deposition on the body. The total (indoor + outdoor) 218Po and 214Po dose to the basal layer of facial skin is estimated to be increased by between 1.2 and 2.0 for 10% of time spent outdoors under high voltage power lines."
"We report an investigation of symptoms and risk indicators associated with reported hypersensitivity to electricity-based on a survey at a high-technology, multinational telecommunications corporation. Comparisons are also made with patients referred to a university department of occupational and environmental health. No association was found between specific psychosocial work characteristics nor personal traits and hypersensitivity to electricity. We present skin and neurovegetative symptom indices. Results indicate that skin, and not neurovegetative symptoms, characterize the syndrome, at least during the first years of illness. For characterization, we propose a set of dimensions, including triggering factors, behavior, and duration of symptoms."
"The maximum rise occurred in the 10-11 Hz and 13.5-14 Hz bands during the initial part of sleep and then subsided. The results demonstrate that pulsed high-frequency EMF in the range of radiotelephones may promote sleep and modify the sleep EEG."
Induction of stress proteins by electromagnetic fields in cultured HL-60 cells
Pipkin JL et al, Bioelectromagnetics, september 1999
"After a 1 mT exposure and labeling with [(33)P], sp 27 isoforms b and c were phosphorylated whereas isoform 'a' was not observed. Sps 70i, 72c, and 90 were identified by commercial sp antibodies. Likewise, polypeptides a, b, and c were verified as sp 27 isoforms by Western blotting. Statistical evaluation of sp areas and densities, determined from fluorographs by Western-blot analysis, revealed a significant increase in sps 90 and 27a after a 1 mT magnetic field exposure. The 1 mT magnetic field interacts at the cellular level to induce a variety of sp species."
"More marked intergroup differences were recorded when tumor incidence was separately evaluated for each of the six mammary complexes, the most pronounced MF effect on tumor incidence being seen in the cranial thoracic complex. The data substantiate that, at least under the experimental conditions used in our laboratory, 50-Hz, 100-microT MF exposure significantly facilitates the development and growth of mammary tumors in the DMBA rat model of breast cancer."
"Geometric mean magnetic field exposures were not associated with 6-OHMS/cr excretion. Men in the highest quartile of temporally stable magnetic field exposure had lower 6-OHMS/cr concentrations on the second and third days compared with those in the lowest quartile. Light exposure modified the magnetic field effect. A progressive decrease in mean 6-OHMS/cr concentrations in response to temporally stable magnetic fields was observed in subjects with low workplace light exposures (predominantly office workers), whereas those with high ambient light exposure showed negligible magnetic field effects. Melatonin suppression may be useful for understanding human biologic responses to magnetic field exposures."
"These risks increased in magnitude when analysis was restricted to children under 6 years of age at diagnosis or to those with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. For children younger than 6 years at diagnosis, outside perimeter measurements of the residence, > or = 0.15 microT, were associated with increased leukemia risk (OR = 3.45, 95% CI = 1.14-10.45)."
"Non-significantly increased risk was found for tumour in the temporal or occipital lobe on the same side as a cellular phone had been used, right side OR = 2.45, CI = 0.78-7.76, left side OR = 2.40, CI = 0.52-10.9 Increased risk was found only for use of the NMT system. For GSM use the observation time is still too short for definite conclusions. An increased risk for brain tumour in the anatomical area close to the use of a cellular telephone should be especially studied in the future."
"A comparison between the resulting averages showed that the total spectral power of the cytosolic Ca2+ oscillator was reduced by exposure of the cells to an alternating magnetic field and that the effect increased in an explicit dose-response manner. The same relationship was observed within the 0-10 mHz (10 x 10(-3) Hz) subinterval of the Ca2+ oscillation spectrum. For subintervals at higher frequencies, the change caused by the exposure to the magnetic field was not significant."
Human sleep in 60 Hz magnetic fields
Graham C, Cook MR, Bioelectromagnetics, junij 1999
"Subjects exposed intermittently to the field also reported sleeping less well and feeling less rested in the morning than subjects in the other two groups. All observed effects were significant at P < or = .04 or less. The public health relevance of these results cannot be assessed as yet. Poor sleep quality, however, can have a detrimental influence on worker safety and performance, and has been associated with decrements in memory and learning processes. Additional research appears warranted."
"Histological changes were especially observed in the testes of rats of the speech groups. Seminiferous tubular diameter of rat testes in the standby and speech groups was found to be lower than the sham group (P < 0.05). Rectal temperatures of rats in the speech group were found to be higher than the sham and standby groups (P < 0.05). The rectal temperatures of rats before and after exposure were also found to be significantly higher in the speech group (P < 0.05). Specific absorption rate (SAR) was determined as 0.141 W/kg."
"An adult squirrel monkey with a history of long-term exposure to microwave radiation was found at necropsy to have a malignant tumor of the right cerebral cortex."
Animal study on electromagnetic field biological potency
Trosić I et al, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, marec 1999
"The results of peripheral blood cell response suggested a decreasing tendency in total leukocyte count and in relative lymphocyte count in the treated group. A slight increase was also observed in granulocyte count and in the absolute count of peripheral blood erythrocytes over control animals."
The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non-thermal
Velizarov S et al, Bioelectrochem Bioenerg, februar 1999
"The results showed that there was a significant change in cell proliferation in the exposed cells in comparison to the non-exposed (control) cells at both temperatures. On the other hand, no significant change in proliferation rate was found in the sham-exposed cells at both temperatures. This shows that biological effects due to RF/MW cannot be attributed only to a change of temperature."
"In the workers of retransmission TV center and center of satellite communications on increased IgG and IgA concentration and decreased count of lymphocytes and T8 cells was found. However, in the radar operators IgM concentration was elevated and a decrease in the total T8 cell count was observed. The different behaviour of examined immunological parameters indicate that the effect of microwave radiation on immune system depends on character of an exposure. Disorders in the immunoglobulins' concentrations and in the T8 cell count did not cause any clinical consequences."

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